Satu Pangkat Tiga, A Film by Adil Nan Damai Production. A group of kids from SMA Labschool Cibubur attends to make a comedy movie for the first time. This movie had won an award for "Best Movie", "Best Actor" and "Best Co-Star" and got nominated for "Best Movie Trailer", "Best Script", and "Best Poster" from Labschool Movie Awards 2014. An annual movie festival held by Labschool Cibubur. Watch it and enjoy! And if you enjoy it please give it a thumbs up and comment what you think should Satu Pangkat Tiga part 2 be like next!
Blog walking ^^ thank you visit my blog :) Sorry for reply at here, because i couldn't find your chat box ^^
haha comedy movie ? hope it intersting :) blogwlking u back dear :D
ReplyDeletenice.. blogwalking here =)
Singgah sini..jom terjah
blogwalking here hehehe
ReplyDeleteAmalia, wanna exchange links? Link me as *dayg* thankyou :)